The Wordicle’s Author’s Leak presents
Darin C. Brown and his book “The Sight of Demons: The Master of Perceptions, Book One.”
From the author, Darin C. Brown:
“The Sight of Demons is the first book in the “Master of Perceptions” series. It took seven years of planning to begin writing the novels, mainly for two reasons. The physics behind Hunter Miller’s amazing ability is rather complex, and the details are slowly released over the course of the first ten books. The reader learns right along with the protagonist about Hunter’s talents and limitations. Also, each novel contains a complete story, while simultaneously furthering two longer-term plots that are meticulously interwoven.
I have three goals for every volume. First is to entertain. I add humor to the action, adventure, and social interactions so the books are fun to read. Second, I provide information to the reader. Fans of my novels enjoy learning about new things, like medicine, karate, or chess. I often spend months interviewing experts and researching different topics.
Finally, I like to champion social issues, such as bullying, domestic violence, autism, hazing, substance abuse and mental illness, all highly relevant in today’s society. Hunter must deal with each of these at some point in the first set of books.
An amusing anecdote from the editing process involves one of Hunter’s earliest discoveries. He can tell someone’s gender based on a color contained (or absent) within that person’s aura. Since my editorial staff was all female, they encouraged me to avoid classic stereotypes, leading to a surprising result. You’ll have to read the books to discover how this turned out!”
Thank you, Darin, for that very intriguing Author’s Leak! Looking forward to learning about the surprising result! Please support author Darin C. Brown by reading his unique and exciting book.
Available on Paperback and Kindle (see preview below).
“…I like to champion social issues, such as bullying, domestic violence, autism, hazing, substance abuse and mental illness, all highly relevant in today’s society.”
Darin C. Brown
“The Sight of Demons”
Everyone must pick this one up now. It’s undeniably a fantastic read!
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